1. “Young Goodman Brown” is an allegory (symbolic narrative). What do the following represent?
Young Goodman Brown – He represents innocence. He follows a path from innocence to innocence.
Faith – She represents believe and faith.
The Elderly Traveller/Fellow-Traveller – He represents evil, the devil and temptation.
Goody Cloyse – She represents corruption.
The Ceremony – It represents a religious symbol. It represents the converts into the church.
The Pink Ribbon – This represents Goodman Brown losing his faith.
Young Goodman Brown’s Journey – This represents the change of life.
2. Identify the following for “Young Goodman Brown”:
Theme Message of Theme Element Used to Establish The theme is sin and the message is that everybody is a sinner. In the story, Young Goodman Brown is tempted with sin through the whole journey. He also meets many people he knows that are also not what they seem.
In addition, provide three direct quotes from the story that address your theme.
``Too far! too far!'' exclaimed the goodman, unconsciously resuming his walk. ``My father never went into the woods on such an errand, nor his father before him. We have been a race of honest men and good Christians since the days of the martyrs; and shall I be the first of the name of Brown that ever took this path and kept''
“I helped your grandfather, the constable, when he lashed the Quaker woman so smartly through the streets of Salem; and it was I that brought your father a pitch-
pine knot, kindled at my own hearth, to set fire to an Indian village, in King Philip's war. They were my good friends, both; and many a pleasant walk have we had along this path, and returned merrily after midnight. I would fain be friends with you for their sake.''
``Wickedness or not,'' said the traveller with the twisted staff, ``I have a very general acquaintance here in New England. The deacons of many a church have drunk the communion wine with me; the selectmen of divers towns make me their chairman; and a majority of the Great and General Court are firm supporters of my interest. The governor and I, too -- But these are state secrets.''