Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Journal 21

Although Some Like It Hot is a comedy and The Great Gatsby is a tragedy, both works use popular culture to portray life in 1920s America.  Focusing on the following elements (characterization, conflict, and theme), discuss how the two works are similar and different and what each is saying about American life.

In Some Like it Hot and The Great Gatsby, both centralize there entire theme around love, marriage, romance and obstacles.  The 1920's was during the time of prohibition, and some characters are related to this such as Gatsby being a bootlegger and the crime family bootlegging in Some Like it Hot.  There are both crime and murder in each of the stories.  In the love aspect of the stories, Gatsby and Tom are trying to fight for the same girl Daisy while in Some like it Hot  Joe and Jerry are trying to fight over Sugar. However they are both different with the endings.  Some Like it Hot ended in happiness for all parties.  In Gatsby it ends in sadness. Gatsby is murdered, Myrtle dies, and her husband commits suicide. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Journal 20

In the last paragraph of the Great Gatsby, Nick is standing inside Gatsby's mansion describing the loneliness that is overwhelming inside the house now that Gatsby has passed. After describing the alone, empty house, Nick describes the green light which had stood across the water at Daisy's house.  The reason Jay Gatsby watches the light constantly is because he is thinking of Daisy.  He is blinded by her and her beauty.  Fitzgerald connects the Dutch sailor's to Jay because both loved the light and were the leaders of their time. They sought after this light. 

Journal 19

Nick Carraway- The narrator of the novel, a seemingly trustworthy person that everyone tells their secrets too. Never judgmental and always polite and honest.  He is more of a listener then a talker. Adj. Honest

Tom Buchanan- A very fit and built man that is an athlete.  He is aggressive and violent. He is also very untrustworthy considering his relationship with another woman even though he is married with children. Many people do not respect Tom and he is a hypocrite in the fact that he can cheat on Daisy yet she cant cheat on him. Adj. Aggressive

Daisy Buchanan- Nick's cousin and former love of Gatsby. She is young, blonde haired and beautiful. She is superficial and very materialistic She is however very social and polite. Adj. Superficial  

Jordan Baker- Daisy's friend who has brown hair and is very social.  Nick and her have some sort of a relationship. She is the new generation of woman of the 20'sAdj. Charming

Jay Gatsby-A tall brown haired man that is very rich.  He is mysterious, charming yet very troubled because of the mixture of feelings relating to Daisy. He is the protagonist of the novel and trows wild parties daily.  Adj. Mysterious

Friday, March 23, 2012

Journal 18

1) The significance of the title is shows someone being an outsider. It is a WWII survivor who is injured in Italy. They do not know the language and it is extremely hard for them to learn it. They were all alienated.

2) The character who represents “Hemingway Hero” is the major because he has a hard life. His hand was injured and he lost his wife. He deals with the most suffering and about his
anger and resentment. He realizes his hand isn’t going to get better and even
though losing his wife was hard, he is trying to fight hard to get over it. The
major’s injury is a result of fighting and the narrator’s injury wasn’t all that
big because he was hurt because he was American. The major has an emotional
and physical wound.

3) The photographs are fake and are not direct
proof that these machines work. They are more of a motivation tactic. The major’s reaction he that he looks at the window instead of the photos. He doesn’t have any hope and he doesn’t really focus on what the doctors gives him. He goes to isolation and he is focuses elsewhere. He is focused on the suffering and lost.

Journal 17

1) The poems epigraph is from Dante's Inferno and he comes back from hell and shares his story. Prufrock shares his story to but its very self conscience and obviously not meant for a large crowd of peopel to hear about.
2)Do I?
Shall I?
Do I dare disturb the universe?
How should I presume?
How should I begin?
Shall I part my hair behind?
Do I dare eat a peach?
This shows his doubt, uncertainty, anxiety and hesitation. These questions are questions he asks himself on a daily bases and show is in-security.

3) His main flaw or problem is that he worries about everything and doesnt just live. He can never make a desicion and is very nervous and self conscience about even the little things that anyone can decide.

4) This is called a love song because it is ironic. Its ionic because there is no love in it what so ever. It is about someone who has no love for himself and is very alone and self conscience. In this he is addressing his loniless.

Journal 16

This quote relates to both Swede in “The Blue Hotel” and the hiker in “To Build
a Fire” because both are effected by outside forces and also with their own
traits. In “The Blue Hotel” the Swede becomes drunk and then loses his temper and his control. He was given a drink by Mr. Scully and then he begins to cause trouble with the other guests. The other guests encouraged the Swede and Mr. Scully's son to fight. In the end Swede gets killed. If it weren’t for the outside forces, Swede’s traits, and the weather, which brought them together none of that would of happened. The hiker’s death in “To Build a Fire” was brought on because of nature and his own traits. The extremely cold climate was mainly the reason he died but also because of his body, he was not meant to be out in the cold for that long. If he would have listened to the people that told him not to go out by himself he probably could have survived.

Journal 15

The overall message is that you shouldn’t make someone do something to help benefit your needs or desires and also it could end up really bad.

"But don't you see, dearest," she said, "that it wouldn't have come to this if it hadn't been in the order of Providence? And I call any war glorious that is for the liberation of people
who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression.”

"But now it doesn't matter about the how or why. Since the war has come, all that is
gone. There are no two sides any more. There is nothing now but our

“But I think we had better emphasize your meaning that if we cannot
be one in everything we had better be one in nothing. So I am sending these
things for your keeping till you have made up your mind.”

Editha threatens him by saying she will not marry him unless he goes to fight for his country and that God made this to be war. She now realizes that she sent her husband into war and he may not come back, that he might die. Editha still thinks what she did was just. Editha talks to his mother and experiences an epiphany